Tel: 740-699-2155


What is the mailing address of the Commissioners?

Board of Belmont County Commissioners
101 West Main Street
St. Clairsville, Ohio 43950

What are the phone and fax numbers to reach the Commissioners?

(740) 699-2155 phone
(740) 699-2156 fax
Check our Who Do I Call? section for a comprehensive list of county numbers.

Where do I get a marriage license?
You can obtain a license at Probate Court. The address is 101 West Main Street, St. Clairsville, Ohio 43950. They can also be reached at (740) 699-2144.

How do I obtain or renew a Notary Public License?
Notary licenses are processed by the Ohio Secretary of State Office, the number is 877-767-6446.

Where do I get a birth certificate?
Belmont County only holds birth certificates for persons born in Belmont County. For records prior to 1908, contact Probate Court at (740) 699-2144 and for records after 1908 contact the Health Department at (740) 695-1202.

How do I register to vote?
Please contact the Board of Elections at (740) 526-0188.

How do I get in touch with Senior Services?
You can contact them by phone at (740) 695-4142 or (800) 200-0230, on their Web site,

or by mail at:
Belmont County Senior Services
45240 National Road
St. Clairsville, Ohio 43950

Where can I get dog tags?
Auditors Office (use link) 699-2131

What is the phone number for the DMV License Bureau?
Barnesville  – 740-425-1028
Bridgeport – 740-635-0111